Monday, 21 April 2014

not knowing where your going

There comes a time in everyone's life.
when you don't know ?
where your going ?
what you got to do ?
you don't want to give it a thought and be happy with what you have got !
but one thing is for sure .
we all need to know!
what's that one thing that makes us get up and smile.
that one thing for which we want to give it all we have got
that one thing which makes up feel free!
be the way we want to be.
gives us that feeling of joy which makes us live our life without asking why?
why we need to this thing ?
Why me ?
Why cant the time just pass by ?
why ?
why do i need to do this!
Why me?
when i can just just go with the flow ?
cant i just keep things easy ?
so all u need to do is follow your heart and believe in your thoughts !
do what makes you happy  

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