Sunday, 27 May 2012

Queen of hills


Singing Birds, Dancing trees,
 Acting clouds and Cold Breeze!
Ridge Shmila
   Never Ending Roads narrow streets. 

Sunny Ridge, snowy Kuffri!
Hot water spring, evergreen Golf course.

Saturday Roaming  Sunday’s movies.   Stop for a moment and you will see.
Number of birds walking like old ladies.

Suicide point looks like a door to heaven! and you can sense  history in graveyards mystery!
Vice Regal Lodge will take you to Victorian age
Vice Regal Lodge
My school was once a British orphanage

my school
Queen of hills say’s with proud .Come in once, your heart will not let you out! 

if you have any tips  for me to improve you can contact me at

Friday, 4 May 2012

I overcame my fears

by sid sood

Today saw myself I am cute and fun.
Looked back thought, how was I all these years.
Was it full of tears!
But it was full of smile.
 Which I never did hide.
My life’s been full of people who really care and hate my tears.
They love my smile.
Whenever I am in tears I think of everyone who really care’s
 I love them they love me too.
That’s life we got to smile even with tears for the one’s who’s really cares.
When Sun is gone moon takes over
As every sweating face smiles when game is over
I am standing by my window looking at the moon with a smile.
Only one thought in my mind “loved this day it was full of work and play
I grew a day older a day wiser a my knees are blue my mind is full of new thoughts
Eyes in tears and smile which shows I overcame my fears
I overcame my fears!