Saturday, 14 July 2012

Girl with my name

She looked good, talked good, played cool, and Ya! to some extent she could match up my thinking ! So we became friends, really good ones! and then I met my hyper friend, I knew her since we were in Diapers!!!! and then things changed I moved on with my life and now we  were in front of each other, Face to Face!!! her long nose , freakish smile and her hyper expression was worth noticing!

After a long time, ummm 6yrs appx... both of them stand by my side, thre' one of the best gifts i got from god and CJM!!! Every minute of my life with them is worth a silly smile, so our group is like me, anamika, tharki anshu, pagal palak and tubelight Tanvi, We are grown up now, all in their sweet 16zzzzzz daydreaming!!!!!! Honestly nothing has changed its just everyone knows who i am, and now they are a part of my world, they know how it is and this is how i became
THE MOST POPULAR GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

New friend

so i made a new new friend cool !
but how ? it was like i was alone she came to me and asked about my pink bag !
yeah i am girly and i love pink .
she asked me about my pink bag and then she started telling me about her bag her house her sister her mother her father her dresses and her house in US and her car and  everything she knew about her self.
 I found all that interesting for some days but then .
she blew  my mind  off !.
but still she was my  only friend and i listen to what ever she said .
yeah she is really good at heart her name Arushi Sharma my new friend in Chelsea ( Convent of Jesus and Mary is also know as Chelsea ) but then i met a girl with my name !

Sunday, 17 June 2012

New school

so what   made me change from a never noticed girl to one of the most popular girl of my school.
all this started from my new school convent of Jesus and Mary.
I was in 7th grade then. i had no friends! 
my new school
but i was  my best friend.
yeah i used to talk to my self and people thought i am crazy !
I still talk to my self and now people find that's cute! 
I always loved my self.
so i had my own world and i loved being alone.
but god had some other plans for me.
As i entered my new class girls started asking me things like what's your name  ? 
where are you from?
and some really stupid questions like are you  new ?( that's how teacher introduced me to the whole class saying i am new what's the point asking the same question again ) 
are you in our class! ( no i am sitting in your  class just for fun ) 
one of them asked me even your name is Anamika ? that was !..............
i don't have words for that !
After some time i found that there was one more girl who's name was Anamika  Bhatia 
same name ! i don't like Shearing  things and shearing my name come on its a big NO! 
I hate it (that's what i said to myself that time) 
but i dint say anything to anyone ( i dint' want to wast my time )
and again i was lost in my world 
but then i made a friend !

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

My Story

So things change !
In my case they change too fast or sometimes too slow !
so you must be thinking wassup with me this blog was only for poems !
I think your smart enough to know this is the change.
I am talking about.
 my poems always had some meaning, some deep meanings.
 you know, but now i want to explain them all.
so I was talking about the change.
I started writing when i was 12 and now i'll soon be '17'.all these years.
 I have changed from an innocent  down to earth girl ( you can say from a invisible girl) to one of the most popular girl of the school.
 Now when i say most popular girl. i see many eyebrows rise .
I know people talk about me i even know what they talk about me.
All I want is to thank them . 
For giving me there time and THOUGHTS .
Ok so lets get back to the change so 
How I changed from a never noticed girl to someone
who is admired by many but misunderstood by some .

so what changed me ?
hmmmm for that you got to wait for my next post 
that will be published on 17-2-2012

till then good night love you  all

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Queen of hills


Singing Birds, Dancing trees,
 Acting clouds and Cold Breeze!
Ridge Shmila
   Never Ending Roads narrow streets. 

Sunny Ridge, snowy Kuffri!
Hot water spring, evergreen Golf course.

Saturday Roaming  Sunday’s movies.   Stop for a moment and you will see.
Number of birds walking like old ladies.

Suicide point looks like a door to heaven! and you can sense  history in graveyards mystery!
Vice Regal Lodge will take you to Victorian age
Vice Regal Lodge
My school was once a British orphanage

my school
Queen of hills say’s with proud .Come in once, your heart will not let you out! 

if you have any tips  for me to improve you can contact me at

Friday, 4 May 2012

I overcame my fears

by sid sood

Today saw myself I am cute and fun.
Looked back thought, how was I all these years.
Was it full of tears!
But it was full of smile.
 Which I never did hide.
My life’s been full of people who really care and hate my tears.
They love my smile.
Whenever I am in tears I think of everyone who really care’s
 I love them they love me too.
That’s life we got to smile even with tears for the one’s who’s really cares.
When Sun is gone moon takes over
As every sweating face smiles when game is over
I am standing by my window looking at the moon with a smile.
Only one thought in my mind “loved this day it was full of work and play
I grew a day older a day wiser a my knees are blue my mind is full of new thoughts
Eyes in tears and smile which shows I overcame my fears
I overcame my fears!

Sunday, 22 April 2012


As each second passes by we loose a bit of life
That bit never comes back
People come and go ,who are they we don’t know!
Some dream there dreams some achieve there dreams
And they make sure, that we know who they are.
These dreamers who achieve there dreams are the ones who live there dreams .
They are day dreamers they are different
They change things
They change rules
They won’t let us forget
Who they are!..
They live life there way
And rule in every  way
Trust me that’s the best way
 Let’s live each and every day

Friday, 20 April 2012

my new ways

New way as they say are mostly different and New
My new school looks gray
I never mix work and play
But sometimes in class things change
Everyone is sweet but sometimes things are strange
Girls are cute, boys don’t know what to say
They are fun, smart but sometimes difficult and strange
I am on my new ways
Things are cute sweet and strange!
I am on my new way

Friday, 16 March 2012

Let go!

Let go when you don’t know what love is about.
Let go!
Let go when you love him and he doesn’t show.
Let go!
Let go when tears don’t stop and you can’t laugh.
Let go!
Let go the feeling of being with him.
Don’t starve for love when it’s not yours
Let go!
Let go and smile and live your life!
Just let it go don’t starve for love when it’s not yours
Let go!